Sunday, July 03, 2005

Picture of the Day

This picture seemed to have captured the Sunday audience. I have various potential orders for it and was even approached by Selwyn Milborrow, Eastern Cape poet, who wrote a poem about it.

I am glad that people are taking these pictures seriously and to heart and respond to them like Selwyn did...the poem will here:

©Gregor Röhrig


(a poem without pretence)

you with sunblock in your eyes –
are you the moon poets write about
an orphan from africa
or just a child abused
in corners not spoken of

are you the tree that lost
it’s leaves to autumn’s
penetrating hands

maybe you are just a child
carrying the beauty of us
in you

how i wish i could tell
you of the love
i carry for you, child
with the weight of words
in your silenced voice

© Selwyn Milborrow


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