Thursday, November 17, 2005

A new project has taken form

The money raised through my exhibition and the sales of the images has found itself a worthwhile cause. I have called it Project: Your Snaps / iisnaps zam (xhosa).

FujiFilm sponsored me 50 disposable cameras in September which I will utilize to teach the people of the Grahamstown community to use effectively. This project will last about 8 months and requires me to travel into the location weekly and teach children and elders how to use the cameras, however giving them entire freedom on what they perceive as important to document.

All film will then be processed and printed in Johannesburg by B&H PhotoDigital and handed back to the community members. Printing, processing, mounting and framing costs will be covered by the money raised through my previous Project: Pictures for Life. With this new initiative I have integrated my passion and am making it accessible to the people in the location. With this I also hope to raise some community upliftment and create some enthusiasm/motivation, teaching people a skill which they could maybe adopt for a future cause.

I am also busy integrating Dutch multimedia and photographic artists into this project, with whom in collaboration we could produce ‘glocalized’ images which could ultimately be exhibited overseas and locally.

Thanks to all those who have participated thus far in my project, it has really been worth it and will demonstrate and affect public development and community upliftment.


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